
Simple model of Monitors

Start from λ-ISWIM. Keyword sync inspired by the “synchronized” of Java.

Key properties:


Expressions  e := ... | fork e | ref e | e←e | !e | sync e e | sync ℓ→(v,q) e | await | signal | ℓ
Values     v,w := ... | ℓ

Proc. tab. p,q := e | q|q
Stores       σ := · | ℓ→(v,q) | σ;σ
Machines     M := <q # σ>

Expr ctxt    E := ... | ref E | E←e | ℓ←E | !E | sync E e | sync ℓ→(v,q) E

Programs are those e that are closed and mention neither any nor any use of sync ℓ→(v,q) e.

Given a program e, the starting machine state is just <e # ·>.

Structural Equivalence

Structural equivalence over machines includes:


Read the following reduction rules as quotiented by .

base    e ↪ e'  ⇒  <p|E[e] # σ> → <p|E[e'] # σ>

fork    <p|E[fork e] # σ> → <p|E[0]|e # σ>

ref     <p|E[ref v] # σ> → <p|E[ℓ] # σ;ℓ→(v,·)>    where ℓ fresh

lock    <p|E[sync ℓ e] # σ;ℓ→(v,q)> → <p|E[sync ℓ→(v,q) e] # σ>
unlock  <p|E[sync ℓ→(v,q) w] # σ> → <p|E[w] # σ;ℓ→(v,q)>

await   <p|E[sync ℓ→(v,q) E'[await]] # σ> → <p # σ;ℓ→(v,q)|E[sync ℓ E'[0]]>
signal  <p|E[sync ℓ→(v,q) E'[signal]] # σ> → <p|E[sync ℓ→(v,·) E'[0]]|q # σ>

write   <p|E[sync ℓ→(v,q) E'[ℓ←w]] # σ> → <p|E[sync ℓ→(w,q) E'[ℓ]] # σ>
read    <p|E[sync ℓ→(v,q) E'[!ℓ]] # σ> → <p|E[sync ℓ→(w,q) E'[v]] # σ>

nest    <p|E[sync ℓ→(v,q) E'[sync ℓ e]] # σ> → <p|E[sync ℓ→(v,q) E'[e]] # σ>


Are these correct? Are they easy to understand?

One-place buffer:

NEW() := ref NONE

GET(b) := sync b (rec retry() . match !b
                                  NONE -> await; retry()
                                  SOME v -> b←NONE; signal; v)

PUT(b,v) := sync b (rec retry() . match !b
                                    NONE -> b←(SOME v); signal
                                    SOME w -> await; retry())

Note doesn’t preserve ordering of requests!

Zero-place buffer (synchronous channel):

data STATE α = R | N | W α

NEW() := ref N

GET(c) := sync c (rec retry(). match !c
                                 R -> await; retry()
                                 N -> c←R; signal; retry()
                                 W v -> c←N; signal; v)

PUT(c,v) := sync c (rec retry() . match !c
                                    R -> c←(W v); signal
                                    N -> await; retry()
                                    W _ -> await; retry())

Note doesn’t preserve ordering of requests!

Queue (asynchronous channel):

NEW() := ref []

GET(c) := sync c (rec retry(). match !c
                                 [] -> await; retry()
                                 v:vs -> c←vs; v)

PUT(c,v): sync c (c←(!c ++ [v]); signal)

Notice that this does not preserve ordering of GET requests, but does preserve ordering of PUTs!

Chat room:

NEW() := ref {}

CONNECT(r, user, callback) :=
  sync r
    for u in (!r).keys: callback(u + " arrived")
    r ← (!r){user ⟼ callback}
    ANNOUNCE(r, user + " arrived")

DISCONNECT(r, user) :=
  sync r
    if user in (!r).keys
      r ← (!r) \ user
      ANNOUNCE(r, user + " left")

SPEAK(r, user, text) :=
  sync r
    ANNOUNCE(!r, user + " says '" + text + "'")

ANNOUNCE(r, what) :=
  for (user, callback) in !r
    try { callback(what) }
    catch { DISCONNECT(r, user) }

Next Steps

We can easily extend this little language with signalOne, which awakens at least one waiter (if there are any at all). Q1: Why not exactly one waiter (if any exist)? Q2: Why is it not harmful for signalOne to wake up potentially more than one waiter?

Another variation includes await e, where the e is a predicate which must be satisfied before execution moves on from the await. Roughly speaking,

await e ≡ while (not e) { await }

The advantage of the special syntax is that the compiler can offer special support, implementing it more efficiently for special cases of e.

How can we wait for some condition to obtain within one monitor or another? Composition of await doesn’t work. The idea of Software Transactional Memory (STM), with its nifty orElse construct, is an interesting next step.