
ActorProcess hierarchy Each Actor is a Smalltalk Process. There are two important subclasses of Process: ActorProcess, which implements a subset of the Erlang process model; and Actor, which goes a step further, adding a convention for using Message objects for RPC and using ordinary objects as actor behaviors.

Most programs will use Actor rather than ActorProcess.

No process isolation is implemented. This is a big difference from languages like Erlang. All Smalltalk objects coexist in a single mutable shared heap. This means that it is very easy to accidentally pass mutable objects between actors. See below.

Actor: Concurrent Smalltalk objects

Every Actor’s behavior is specified by a distinct behavior object, usually (but not always!) a subclass of ActorBehavior. Because Actor is a subclass of both ActorProcess and Process, it inherits the public interfaces of both. See the section on ActorProcess below for details.

Creating Actors

ActorBehavior subclass: #SimpleTestActor
              instanceVariableNames: ''
              classVariableNames: ''
              poolDictionaries: ''
              category: 'Actors-Tests'.

a := SimpleTestActor spawn.
    "an ActorProxy for an Actor (92060) on a SimpleTestActor"

a := Actor bootProxy: [ SimpleTestActor new ].
    "Equivalent to the previous line"

Actors are created with Actor class >> #boot: and friends, or with the convenience method ActorBehavior class >> #spawn, if the desired behavior object is an ActorBehavior.

If boot: is used, the result is a (running) Actor instance.

If spawn (or Actor class >> #bootProxy:) is used, the result is an ActorProxy instance, which automatically performs many of the parts of the RPC protocol that Actor instances expect. See the section on proxies.

See below for a complete list of available constructors.

Sending requests

Given an ActorProxy for an Actor, requests can be sent with ordinary message syntax. They are handled by methods on the behavior object. In this example, a’s behavior object is a SimpleTestActor, which has the following method on it:

SimpleTestActor >> addOneTo: aNumber
    ^ aNumber + 1

This allows us to send requests like this:

a addOneTo: 1.        "a Promise"
(a addOneTo: 1) wait. "2"

By default, requests will be synchronous, yielding a promise for the eventual result.

The ActorProxy methods async, sync or blocking select alternative behaviors:

a async addOneTo: 1.    "nil"
a sync addOneTo: 1.     "a Promise" "(like the default)"
a blocking addOneTo: 1. "2"

See the section on interaction patterns for more information on why and when you might want to use each of these variations.

Under the covers, a proxy builds an ActorRequest instance and sends it as a message to the proxy’s actor. If programs directly use Actor >> #sendMessage:, they must do the same.

Of course, any uncaught exception from the behavior object causes immediate, permanent termination of the actor, and rejection of all outstanding and future requests.

Given the following method:

SimpleTestActor >> divideOneBy: aNumber
    ^ 1 / aNumber

The following request will cause a to crash:

a divideOneBy: 0. "a Promise"

The resulting promise will be rejected, with an ActorTerminated bearing the ZeroDivide exception as an error value. All subsequent requests to the now-dead actor will also be rejected with a similar ActorTerminated object. See the section on error handling for more details.

If the promise is waited for, a BrokenPromise exception will be signalled:

(a divideOneBy: 0) wait.   "Signals BrokenPromise"
a blocking divideOneBy: 0. "Signals BrokenPromise"

Implementing a behavior

Behaviors must take care to distinguish between three important objects:

  • self is the behavior object, whose methods are invoked by its corresponding Actor instance.

  • Actor current is the currently-executing Actor instance.

  • Actor me is an ActorProxy for the currently-executing Actor.

A behavior may freely invoke methods on self, but must take care when performing RPC using ActorProxy >> #blocking or Promise >> #wait, lest it deadlock: while an actor is blocked, waiting for a reply to an RPC request, it does not process incoming requests.

If a method on a behavior object returns self, the request that led to the method call is answered with Actor me in place of the behavior object. No other translation of request messages, reply messages, or exception values takes place as they travel back and forth between actors. See the section on weaknesses for more information.

Terminating an actor

An actor’s behavior object may perform a “normal” exit via

Actor current terminate.

This terminates the currently-executing actor with nil as an exit reason. Alternatively, any uncaught exception terminates the actor abnormally with the exception as its exit reason:

Actor current kill.   "Terminates with a generic exception."
self error: 'Oh no!'. "Any other exception will work."
1 / 0.                "Ordinary exceptions do the same kind of thing."

Whenever an actor terminates for any reason, normally or abnormally, all its outstanding requests are rejected, as are any requests that may be sent to it in future.

An actor may be terminated from the outside, as well: if an actor holds p, an ActorProxy for another actor, it can cause the other actor to terminate abnormally by executing

p actor kill.

Note that kill is a method on Actor, not a method on p’s behavior object. See the section on proxies for more information on the actor method of ActorProxy.

Cleaning up associated resources

If an actor’s behavior object responds to postExitCleanup:, that method is called after the actor has terminated. The argument passed to the method is the exitReason of the terminating actor.

The method runs in a fresh, temporary process, not in the actor’s own process. By the time of the call to postExitCleanup:, the actor’s own process is guaranteed to have terminated. See ActorProcess >> signalExit.

ActorProcess: Erlang-style processes

Instances of ActorProcess implement a “process style” actor, in the terminology of De Koster et al.. Specifically, they implement a subset of the Erlang approach to the actor model, providing

  • a main process routine;
  • a “receive” operation;
  • a form of selective receive;
  • distinct system-level and user-level messages; and
  • Erlang-style “links” and “monitors”.

They are more general than Actor instances, in that they do not enforce any particular convention for the user-level messages exchanged by the actor. However, they are awkward to use directly.

It is almost always better to use Actor with a custom ActorBehavior object instead of using ActorProcess directly.

The main process routine

A plain ActorProcess (as opposed to an Actor) is started with ActorProcess class >> #boot: and friends:

a := ActorProcess boot: [ "... code ..."
                          msg := ActorProcess receiveNext.
                          "... more code ..." ].
a sendMessage: 'Hello!'.

Like any other Process, an ActorProcess can be terminated. Any time an ActorProcess terminates, normally or abnormally, its links and monitors fire, letting interested peers know that it has died.

If an uncaught exception is signalled by the main process routine, the actor is terminated permanently. See the section on error handling for more details.

The currently-executing Actor or ActorProcess instance can be retrieved via Actor class >> #current, and an ActorProxy for the currently-executing actor can be retrieved via Actor class >> #me.

Actor current. "an Actor (79217) on a SimpleTestActor"
Actor me.      "an ActorProxy for an Actor (79217) on a SimpleTestActor"

System-level and user-level messages

Messages exchanged among ActorProcess instances come in two kinds: system- and user-level.

System-level messages are a private implementation detail. They manage things like links and monitors, and a specific type of system-level message carries user-level messages back and forth. See senders of performInternally: to discover the types and uses of system-level messages. System messages are comparable to (and inspired by) Erlang’s system messages.

User-level messages are the things sent by ActorProcess >> sendMessage: and received by ActorProcess class >> #receiveNext. They are a public aspect of working with Actors.

Programmers design their Actors in terms of the exchange of user-level messages, and never in terms of system-level messages.

While any object can be sent as a user-level message between Actors, the convention is that instances of ActorRequest are the only kind of user-level message exchanged.

“Internal” and “External” protocols

Unlike ordinary Smalltalk objects, which have public methods and private methods, ActorProcess instances have three kinds of method:

  • public, “external” methods, for use by other actors and processes;
  • public, “internal” methods, for use only by the actor itself;
  • and ordinary private methods, part of the actor system implementation.

External methods include sendMessage:, kill, terminate, isActor and so on. Internal methods include receiveNext, receiveNextOrNil:, and receiveNextTimeout:.

Actor and ActorProcess constructors

There are many different ways to start an actor.

Behavior objects

ActorBehavior spawn.
ActorBehavior spawnLink.
ActorBehavior spawnLinkName: aStringOrNil.
ActorBehavior spawnName: aStringOrNil.

These constructors first instantiate their receiver (a subclass of ActorBehavior), and then pass the result to one of the bootProxy: variations on class Actor.

Actors with a behavior object

Actor bootLinkProxy: aBlock.
Actor bootLinkProxy: aBlock name: aStringOrNil.
Actor bootProxy: aBlock.
Actor bootProxy: aBlock name: aStringOrNil.

These constructors produce Actors having the result of evaluating aBlock as their behavior object. The variations with Link in the name link the new actor to the calling process, and if a name is supplied, it is used when printing the actor and in the Squeak process browser.

Actor for: anObject.
Actor for: anObject link: aBoolean.

These constructors produce Actors with anObject as their behavior object.

Erlang-style processes

ActorProcess boot: aBlock.
ActorProcess boot: aBlock link: aBoolean.
ActorProcess boot: aBlock link: aBoolean name: aStringOrNil.
ActorProcess boot: aBlock priority: anInteger link: aBoolean name: aStringOrNil.

These constructors produce actors running aBlock as their main routine. Generally speaking, aBlock will use Actor receiveNext to explicitly receive and handle incoming user-level messages.

If aBoolean is absent or false, the new actor will not be linked by default to the calling process; if it is present and true, it will be linked to the calling process.

If a name is supplied, it is used as the Process name, which is displayed in the Squeak process browser and anywhere that the ActorProcess is printed.

Actor boot: aBlock.
Actor boot: aBlock link: aBoolean.
Actor boot: aBlock link: aBoolean name: aStringOrNil.
Actor boot: aBlock priority: anInteger link: aBoolean name: aStringOrNil.

Since Actor is a subclass of ActorProcess, it inherits these methods. However, it reinterprets the meaning of aBlock: instead of aBlock enacting the main routine of the new actor, it is expected to return a value that will be used as the behavior object of the new actor, and the standard Actor mainloop (Actor >> #dispatchLoop) will be used as the main routine.

Weaknesses of the design

Smalltalk poses a number of challenges to implementation of the actor model.

As has already been mentioned, chief among them is the total lack of process isolation. This means that, if a mutable object is accessible by two or more running actors, you still end up having to worry about concurrent access to data structures, even though the actor model is supposed to eliminate this as a programming concern.

An example of a distortion induced by this problem can be seen in the use of the copy method in ChatRoom >> #tcpServer:accepted:. When a new user connects to the chat room, they are sent a list of the already-connected users:

agent initialNames: present copy.

The chat room must take care to send a copy of present to the new ChatUserAgent, because of the asynchrony in the system: if it is not copied before being sent, it may change while in flight!

A second weakness is connected to the way a returned self is changed to Actor me. It adds a special case for convenience, but a general solution would ensure greater process isolation by copying (or otherwise specially treating) mutable values.

A third weakness is that block arguments to methods invoked on an actor’s behavior are not translated, which makes custom control flow awkward. For example, consider the following snippet:

b := Actor bootProxy: [ true ].
(b ifTrue: [ 1 ] ifFalse: [2]) wait

Here, b is an Actor with a Boolean as its behavior. Invoking b not works perfectly, but ifTrue:ifFalse: doesn’t work, signalling NonBooleanReceiver. This example demonstrates a leak of some of the optimization-enabling assumptions the VM makes.

A similar case occurs in the following example:

d := Actor bootProxy: [ Dictionary new ].
a async at: 1 put: 2.
a blocking removeKey: 1.  "This works fine..."
a blocking removeKey: 99. "... but this kills the whole actor."

If, instead, we use removeKey:ifAbsent:, we can avoid killing the whole actor, but at the cost of having the ifAbsent: block execute in the wrong context. That is, if it runs, it will run in a context where self is the Dictionary, and Actor current and Actor me denote the actor that the client knows as d. The tutorial on collections as behavior covers this topic in more detail.

Perhaps, in future, a special case for wrapping block arguments in an outer block that causes the block to execute in the correct Actor’s context could be added.