
This tutorial introduces some more sophisticated control flow, achieved through postponing transmission of replies to requests.


ActorBehavior subclass: #BarrierActor
    instanceVariableNames: 'waiters'
    classVariableNames: ''
    poolDictionaries: ''
    category: 'Actors-Demos'

Class BarrierActor is a simple ActorBehavior that implements a barrier.

Clients may call #barrierWait, in which case they will not receive a reply until some other client calls #releaseWaiters or #releaseWaiters:.

Any value supplied to #releaseWaiters: is used as the resolved value of waiting clients’ promises; #releaseWaiters supplies nil as this value.

The instance variable waiters holds an IdentitySet of ActorRequests, the waiting continuations.


    super initialize.
    waiters := IdentitySet new.

Waiting for a value

    waiters add: Actor caller.

Retrieving the current request by invoking Actor class >> #caller suspends the remote caller of the actor until either resolveWith: or rejectWith: is called on the resulting ActorRequest object.

Releasing the current set of waiters

releaseWaiters: anObject
    waiters do: [ :c | c resolveWith: anObject ].
    waiters := IdentitySet new.

Each of the waiting requests is released, with anObject as the reply value given to the suspended caller via the promise associated with the request.

    self releaseWaiters: nil

Running an example

Exploring the behavior of BarrierActors in a workspace must be done with some care because of the way calls to barrierWait block until a releaseWaiters: arrives from another actor.

Instead of using blocking RPC, we will use Promises and Squeak’s explorer.

Creating a BarrierActor and some waiting promises

First, in a workspace, spawn a BarrierActor.

b := BarrierActor spawn.

Then, type in

b barrierWait

but instead of choosing “do it” or “print it”, right click on that line and choose “explore it” (or press Shift-Alt-I).

Select the workspace window again, and choose “explore it” on the b barrierWait line a second time.

Your screen should now look something like this:

Barrier World 1

Exploring the state of the BarrierActor

At this moment, the two Promises waiting for barrierWait to return are associated with two instances of ActorRequest held in the waiters instance variable of the BarrierActor.

If we “explore it” on b in our workspace, and drill down to see the behavior object, we can see the two requests sitting where they should:

BarrierActor Explorer

Releasing the waiters

Finally, “do it” with the following expression in the workspace:

b releaseWaiters: 1234.

Both the promises have now changed—though the explorers do not automatically update!

To update the view, click on the triangle next to “root” in each explorer, to collapse the view of the promise, and then click a second time, to reopen it.

After this, both explorer views on the promises should look like this:

Fulfilled barrierWait promise

Cleaning up

Finally, we can terminate our BarrierActor.

b actor terminate.