
Support for client (connecting) and server (listening) TCP/IP sockets is modeled on Erlang’s gen_tcp library.

Socket support is experimental.

Like Erlang, each connected socket is managed by a separate actor, and every SocketActor is linked to a controlling actor, which receives socket-related events.

Unlike Erlang, credit-based flow control1 is used to manage input from a connected socket, as well as to manage the rate at which new sockets are accepted from a server socket.

Reading from a socket is asynchronous and event-based. Writing to a socket produces a promise which is resolved when the write has been delivered to the socket.


See the TCP/IP Echo Server tutorial for a full client-server example.

In addition, class DemoSocketTerminal demonstrates combining Socket actors with actor-based Morphic programming.

Here is a very simple example, a rough HTTP client that retrieves http://localhost/. After the headers have been read, the client switches from double-linefeed-separated work units to raw chunks of data. At the moment of the change, the read credit amount is zero, ensuring that there is no risk of accidentally reading the wrong data in the wrong mode.

ActorProcess boot: [ | s |
    s := SocketActor connectToHost: 'localhost' port: 80.
    "The new SocketActor takes the current actor as controlling actor."

    s lineTerminator: String crlf. "HTTP protocol requires this."
    s sendLine: 'GET / HTTP/1.0'.
    s sendLine: ''.

    s delimiterMode: String crlfcrlf.
    "This makes the first work item a string up to the header/body break."
    s issueCredit. "Issue one work-unit's credit: this reads the headers."

    s rawMode. "Switch to raw mode for the remainder of the connection."
    s infiniteCredit. "Retrieve it all."
    "NB be more careful about credit, in production use!"

    Actor receiveUntil: [:v |
        Transcript crlf; nextPutAll: (v printStringLimitedTo: 400); flush.
        v message selector = #tcpSocketClosed:reason: ]].


Creating a server socket

ServerSocketActor listenOnHost: interfaceDnsNameString Port: portNumber.
ServerSocketActor listenOnPort: portNumber.

These two methods spawn a fresh ServerSocketActor that starts listening on the given port. If an interfaceDnsNameString is not given, '' is used, accepting connections on any interface.

The new socket takes the calling actor as its controlling actor, and starts off with zero credit for accepting connections.

Readiness events

controllingActorProxy tcpServer: serverSocketActorProxy ready: aBoolean.

The server socket actor persists in the image until explicitly stopped. As circumstances change, such as the image being stopped and restarted, the underlying listening socket may come and go. It will not always be possible to listen on the configured interface and port number.

Therefore, the socket actor sends its controlling actor a readiness event each time the socket is able to start listening or is forced to stop listening. The aBoolean field in the event will be true when listening is in progress, and false when listening is on hold.

If listening could not be established, and credit for accepting new connections is non-zero, then the server socket actor will keep trying to re-establish its listening socket every few seconds.

Accepting connections

To start receiving connections, call ServerSocketActor >> #issueCredit each time you want to allow an additional connection to be accepted.

For example, you might wish to call issueCredit once at startup time, and then once at the top of the code handling each tcpServer:accepted: event.

Use #issueCredit: aNumber to increment the available credit by aNumber steps in one go.

When the server has credit and a connection arrives, the controlling actor will be sent a #tcpServer:accepted: request:

controllingActorProxy tcpServer: serverSocketActorProxy accepted: socketActorProxy.

The socketActorProxy refers to a SocketActor.

Reconfiguring the listener

To alter the interface, port number, or underlying kernel-level listen backlog size of an already-existing ServerSocketActor, use the following methods:

serverSocketActorProxy listenOnHost: aString port: aPortNumber backlogSize: aBacklog.
serverSocketActorProxy listenOnHost: aString port: aPortNumber.

If not supplied, aBacklog is set to 128.

Shutting down a server socket

serverSocketActorProxy stop.

The ServerSocketActor will terminate, activating its links as usual.

Remember that the actor links to its controlling actor! You will often want to unlink before calling stop:

serverSocketActorProxy actor unlink.
serverSocketActorProxy stop.


Creating a connected socket

There are two ways to create a connected socket: either wait for one to be accepted, or create a new outbound client socket:

SocketActor connectToHost: hostname port: portNumber.

The new socket takes the calling actor as its controlling actor, and starts off with zero credit for receiving data.

Connection events

controllingActorProxy tcpSocketConnected: socketActorProxy.

Issued when a client socket has connected.

Only issued for new, outbound client connections: when a connection is accepted from a server socket, the tcpServer:accepted: event takes the place of this event.

controllingActorProxy tcpSocketClosed: socketActorProxy reason: anExceptionOrNil.

Issued when the socket closes.

Sending data

socketActorProxy send: anObject.

If anObject is a ByteArray, sends the raw bytes; otherwise, sends anObject asString, encoded into bytes as UTF-8.

socketActorProxy sendAll: aCollection.

Just like aCollection do: [:x | socketActorProxy send: x], but more efficient.

socketActorProxy sendLine: anObject.

Sends anObject followed by the current line terminator, which defaults to

String lf

The line terminator can be retrieved and set via

socketActorProxy lineTerminator.
socketActorProxy lineTerminator: aString.

Receiving data

Data is read from the socket in work units, which can be either

  • delimiter-separated spans of bytes or characters, or
  • arbitrarily-sized chunks of data read in a single call to the underlying socket.

Credit for reading from the socket is issued in terms of these work units.

For example, if the work unit selected is spans separated by String crlf, then the credit value in the actor will be interpreted as the number of CRLF-terminated lines of input to read from the socket and send to the controlling actor. If the work unit separated is raw binary data, the credit value will just denote the number of chunks to be sent.

The default work unit type is rawMode.

Delimiter-separated work units
socketActorProxy delimiterMode: aString.
socketActorProxy delimiterMode: aStringOrByteArray binary: aBoolean.

Selects delimiter-separated work units.

If aBoolean is not supplied or is false, then UTF-8 decoding will be automatically performed on the input. In this case, aString or aStringOrByteArray must be a String, the delimiter to watch for. Delivered work unit items will be Strings.

If aBoolean is supplied and is true, then aStringOrByteArray must be a ByteArray. No decoding of input will be performed. Delivered work unit items will be ByteArrays.

Arbitrary chunk work units
socketActorProxy rawMode. "Default at actor startup time."
socketActorProxy rawModeAscii.

These select either raw binary mode or raw ASCII mode, respectively. Each time any data is available at all, the entirety of the available data will be delivered as a single work unit to the controlling actor.

For rawMode, delivered work unit items will be ByteArrays; for rawModeAscii, they will be Strings.

Using ASCII mode is almost always wrong.
Strongly prefer to either use a delimiter-separated mode, which does UTF-8 conversion for you, or rawMode, with UTF-8 decoding performed in the controlling actor.

Issuing credit
socketActorProxy issueCredit.

Allows the receiver to relay one more work unit from the underlying socket.

socketActorProxy issueCredit: amount.

Allows the receiver to accept amount more units of input from the underlying socket. The amount may be negative, in which case the final credit is clamped to be non-negative.

socketActorProxy infiniteCredit.

Sets credit to infinity, allowing data to be read and delivered as fast as it arrives. This is usually not a good idea. Useful for testing, and in tightly controlled situations, but in the wild this can overwhelm your image with input.

socketActorProxy zeroCredit.

Sets credit to zero, preventing future read work (other than anything that has already completed or is currently running, but hasn’t been fully delivered to the controlling actor yet) until credit is subsequently increased.

Data delivery events

controllingActorProxy tcpSocket: socketActorProxy data: workUnit

This event is delivered to the controlling actor whenever a unit of credit has been used up in receiving a work unit from the socket.

Other events

controllingActorProxy tcpSocketTimeout: socketActorProxy.

Issued when a connection attempt, an attempt to send data, or an attempt to read data times out.

There is currently no way to set a read timeout implemented. Also, Squeak’s send timeout appears to be hard-coded.

Shutting down a connected socket

socketActorProxy stop.

The SocketActor will disconnect (if it was connected) and close and then terminate, activating its links as usual.

Remember that the actor links to its controlling actor! You will often want to unlink before calling stop:

socketActorProxy actor unlink.
socketActorProxy stop.
  1. Surprisingly, “credit-based flow control” doesn’t seem to be a term in common usage outside very narrow circles such as ATM-based networking. However, it is widely known in distributed systems folklore. One example of its use is in the RabbitMQ server internals for managing flows of messages. A more in-depth look at the topic in the setting of ATM networking can be found in chapter 4 of

    “Traffic Management for High-Speed Networks: Fourth Lecture International Science Lecture Series”, ed. H. T. Kung. The National Academies Press, Washington, DC. 1997. DOI.